Software to make built spaces smarter, safer, and greener.

As the world moves from analog to digital, Atrius® automates and optimizes your entire building portfolio down to the system level.

Managing modern spaces presents unique challenges.

Atrius delivers enterprise-scale software to solve them.

A young woman with a hard hat and bright yellow jacket looking at a tunnel, a young woman looking at a phone, and a man looking at personal wayfinding interface on smartphone

  • 40% of the world’s emissions come from the built environment
  • 2.5 days per year people spend looking for missing items at work
  • 90% of our lives are spent indoors

A single source of truth for building data

Centralize energy and emissions data from disparate sources across your entire portfolio.

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Help people navigate and discover

Enterprise software for dynamic indoor maps and wayfinding on web, mobile, and digital displays.

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Reach peak organizational efficiency

Enterprise software for real-time asset tracking, spatial optimization and location intelligence.

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Enterprise organizations realize faster success with Atrius

Take a deeper dive to understand how Atrius software transforms the world’s largest airports, major retail chains, and complex corporate and educational campuses.

Optimize Building Performance Solve problems at the intersection of technology and sustainability

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  • Centralize Energy Data

    Unify data collected from disparate systems like utility bills, submeters, renewable sources, IoT devices, work orders, assets, and API's

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  • Automate Carbon Accounting

    Automatically consolidate scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data so you can focus on driving net zero initiatives instead of managing tedious spreadsheets.

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  • Simplify Sustainability Reporting

    Leverage GHG Protocol standard methodology with an auditable, assured process for carbon disclosure, meeting requirements of CDP, GRI, TCFD, NGER, GRESB, SDG, SECR, and SASB.

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“Atrius makes energy and emissions data readily accessible to faculty, students, and consultants who appreciate the intuitive, user-friendly format.”

Martha M. Larson, CEM, Energy & Sustainability Manager, Carleton College (former)

Curate Personal Experiences Help people navigate, discover, and explore your spaces

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  • Enable Intuitive Navigation

    Step-by-step wayfinding with live estimated arrival times and accessible routing options

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  • Influence Occupant Behavior

    Guide individual journeys with targeted information delivered to users as they enter or exit specific areas

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  • Simplify Venue Data Management

    Enable teams to easily add, remove, edit, and publish content across all map-hosted channels

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Streamline Enterprise Operations Gain digital precision over physical spaces

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  • Optimize Floor Plan Layouts

    Evaluate traffic patterns to test the effects of floor plan changes before rolling out portfolio-wide

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  • Validate Asset Locations

    Use mobile device SDKs or hardware tags to track the location of items within your space

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  • Unlock Computer Vision

    Transform your video data into actionable insights

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A smartphone image displaying asset positioning

It’s time to make buildings smarter, safer, and greener

Atrius offers a comprehensive suite of SaaS products that leverage building hardware to improve operational efficiencies within the built environment. Our software helps solve specific problems for enterprise organizations in various industries.


Improve passenger throughput by making spatial data more accessible


Reduce manual processes and improve data quality


Engage students to help achieve sustainability and energy reduction goals


Reduce operational costs to focus more resources on patient care


Track locations of assets and equipment to understand how they move


Optimize floor plan layouts and create new customer touchpoints

Resources from industry experts

Explore blog posts, white papers, detailed infographics and other content from thought leaders and subject matter experts.

Are you ready to create intelligent spaces?

Buildings are some of the most expensive, intensively used assets businesses have. Our solutions ensure they perform at maximum efficiency.