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Report Page 2023
Airports Aviation CCTV Guest Experience Occupancy and Traffic Patterns Queue Management Retail Safety & Security Technology Video Data

Unlock the power of your cameras – Introducing Atrius® Vision 

What do millions of retail stores, hospitals, theme parks, airports, parking lots, and manufacturing facilities worldwide have in common?   Cameras. Or, more specifically, closed circuit TV (more commonly referred to […]

What do millions of retail stores, hospitals, theme parks, airports, parking lots, and manufacturing facilities worldwide have in common?  

Cameras. Or, more specifically, closed circuit TV (more commonly referred to as CCTV or just security cameras) 

A 2019 IHS Markit report projected over 1 billion surveillance cameras worldwide by the end of 2021. EarthWeb says 50 million of those cameras, or the per capita equivalent of 15.28 devices/100 people, are already operating in the United States. But even with mass market acceptance, CCTV cameras provide little value beyond their designed purpose of recording, time stamping, and storing moments in time. Atrius can help our customers elevate the value of existing investments by leveraging today’s most advanced technologies to extract live data from these tools.  

We are excited to announce Atrius Vision, our newest solution to transform how people understand their spaces.  

Atrius Vision leverages existing IP camera infrastructure to capture a deep understanding of what is happening within spaces. Our Artificial Intelligence powered computer vision solution answers questions to everyday business problems. By evaluating live video streams, Atrius Vision helps organizations better understand important operating metrics such as:  

  • How many people are in a space 
  • What they are doing while in a space 
  • Where did they go when leaving that space 

With Atrius Vision, we empower operators to maximize the value of buildings by better understanding what currently and historically happens in their spaces. All while treating data securely and never compromising occupant privacy.  

Solving a problem: Transforming Video data into insight 

At their most basic function, cameras preserve information. Film, digital, and video devices show us what’s happening–or happened–within a space; they don’t provide any understanding of those activities. While cameras collect volumes of information, owners don’t have the tools to extract meaningful insight from this data, interpret it, or relay context at scale. For example, while camera footage shows people in specific locations, a store manager still needs someone to manually determine how many customers are in that area, at what times of the day, and for how long.   

While some businesses rely on sensors to get the richer analytics they need, these solutions are typically limited to only a single function. For example, door sensors tell us when customers cross a threshold from one space to another, but that’s all. Organizations need multiple sensor systems to gain broad and deep context. Unfortunately, installing and maintaining numerous sensors and deploying dedicated applications, especially from different vendors, can add more complexity and cost than the collected data solves.  

Fortunately, computer vision delivers critical context from a unified source by efficiently leveraging existing infrastructure. 

Atrius Vision Use Cases by Industry 

Airports and retail spaces are two of the world’s most dynamic indoor environments. Queue management and occupancy & footfall significantly impact passenger and shopper journeys, which is why operators need Atrius Vision.  

Queue management 

More and more, customers are demanding the same seamless, instantaneous experiences they’ve come to expect with online shopping within physical stores as well. So much so that a recent study found that most Americans are only willing to wait up to eight minutes in a line before abandoning their purchases. Unless you have staff visually monitoring and reporting progress on how lines are progressing through your business, you lack the ability to make real-time adjustments in staffing to reduce wait times. Atrius Vision leverages existing security cameras positioned throughout your building to provide live access to line throughput and wait time which customers can receive through push notifications or live dashboards.  

Atrius queue management


Atrius Vision measures crowd size live, enabling operators and security managers to proactively deploy more agents to the bottlenecked locations, open more checkpoints, and decrease wait times. And since concessions and parking generate 40% of airport revenue, operators need to maximize opportunities for passengers to enter the building happy and look forward to enjoying airport amenities. 


Store managers typically position staff according to expected volume. Perhaps they open more registers during lunch hours but close them through most of the afternoon. Atrius Vision is the safety net for the unexpected. Quickly adding more cashiers in response to unusually long or temporarily stalled lines reduces staff frustration and increases customer satisfaction and basket conversion.  

Occupancy and traffic patterns 

Few people can estimate crowd size, and it’s impossible if they can’t even see all parts of a venue. Atrius Vision brings value to every square foot by accurately assessing occupancy and traffic patterns.    

Atrius occupancy and traffic patterns dashboard


Facility and management teams know their heaviest foot traffic patterns are to and between popular destinations like check-in kiosks, security, baggage claim, and even certain gates or concessions at specific times. They know how to keep people moving along these pathways. However, they’re often inexperienced at identifying increasingly crowded parts of the airport. Atrius Vision identifies changing occupancy levels and traffic patterns so operators can identify and address potential causes.  


Vendors and merchandising teams invest significant resources in seasonal displays. Sales metrics from these shelves or end caps figure heavily into inventory management and replenishment cycles. Atrius Vision accurately measures foot traffic to the Back-to-School shelves or the Halloween endcap, informing restocking cycles that affect product stocking decisions.   

Advancing with Atrius Vision 

Atrius Vision is new today and will be tomorrow, too. We’re continuously innovating to solve problems within the built environment. Future releases will provide better opportunities to distinguish between staff and customers, as well as extract data about the movement of goods and equipment. Chat with an Atrius solutions expert today and discover what you can do for your business and customers with Atrius® Vision. 

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